Fudomine Chuu has been dubbed as "the black horse" of the tournament. They managed to push through the Prefectural Tournament, even though they were a no-seed team which was suspended the previous year for acts of violence. The 2nd year regulars forming the team were previously abused by their
sempai and blamed them for the violence that ensued. Enter Tachibana Kippei, a transferee who helped the team get back to their feet and start anew.
Location : Kantou - Tokyo
Coach : none
Seiyuu : Kawahara Yoshihisa
Seiyuu's Other Works :
Year : senior
Height : 179 cm
Blood Type : O
Birthday : August 15
Hobbies : Japanese style cooking
Favorite Food : dimsum
Favorite Subject : English, Technology
Favorite Color : indigo
Hand : right
Play Style : all-rounder
Signature Techniques : none revealed
Shoe Brand :
Nike Air Zoom Beyond
Racket Brand : Taolson (System-PEO03)
About Him:
Tachibana is the current captain and acting coach of Fudomine tennis club. He helped the team get back on their feet after suffering injuries and scandals against their sempais. He's a very good coach, knowing which buttons to push to keep his teammates going. He's also very cool and hardly shows any emotion. He is very protective of the team and will risk anything just to prove their worth. Little did people know that he is a well-known player in Kyuushuu before transferring to Fudomine.
Seiyuu : Moriyama Eiji
Seiyuu's Other Works : aside from seiyuu load, was Momoshiro in
Musical Prince of Tennis, Abarai Renji in
Bleach Rock Musical and Zoro
One Piece Musical
Year : junior
Height : 165 cm
Blood Type : AB
Birthday : November 3
Favorite Color : gray
Hand : right
Signature Techniques : Kick Serve, Spot (Tennis Sense)
About Him:
Ibu is my favorite guy from Fudomine. He looks really cute in a cap and plays with a cool air...if he doesn't mumble to himself. He finds an enemy's weakpoint easily and uses it to his advantage. He would be so cool if he stops muttering, though ^^; He complains about everything, but stops when Tachibana tells him too XD. Maybe that makes him cute. ^_^
Seiyuu : Suzuki Chihiro
Seiyuu's Other Works : (if you're interested in bldramas, you can check him out in Sex Pistols drama cd ^^)
Year : junior
Height : 165 cm
Blood Type : O
Birthday : August 26
Hobbies : listening to music (that gets him into rhythm), karaoke
Favorite Food : pot-au-feu (-_-), spinach side dish
Favorite Subject : gym (especially running)
Favorite Color : fluorescent lime green
Hand : right
Play Style : counter puncher
Signature Techniques : Quick Motion Serve, Sonic Bullet
Shoe Brand : New Balance (WCT-800)
Racket Brand : Dunlop (XL Mega Impedance Titanium)
About Him:
Also named the Speed Ace. This guy is always in the rhythm xD. When he's fast, he's really really fast. Kamio has amazing reflexes and can attack in an instant as well as defend. His leg power must be massive. However, like Kikumaru, he has not enough stamina to keep his pace for a long game. He has taken fancy on Tachibana's sister Ann, and would always quarrel with Momoshiro because of it <3
Seiyuu : Maeda Tsuyoshi
Seiyuu's Other Works :
Height : 188 cm
Blood Type : O
Birthday : November 11
Hand : right
Signature Techniques : Hadoukyuu
About Him:
Ishida rivals Seigaku's Kawamura in terms of power tennis. He has lots of energy in his arm muscles and can hit a fast powerful shot. Other than that, uh, his bandana looks good on him. Maybe he and Kaidoh should start a bandana club...
Seiyuu : Ueki Makoto
Seiyuu's Other Works :
Year : junior
Height : 164 cm
Blood Type : O
Birthday : July 1
Hand : right
Signature Techniques : not revealed
About Him:
Sakurai was Ishida's doubles partner. Because Ishida is more of an attacker with his powerful shots, Sakurai becomes the ace returner. Other than that...there isn't much to say ^^;
Seiyuu : Kiyasu Kouhei
Seiyuu's Other Works : Kaidoh Kaoru (
Prince of Tennis) ^^;;
Year : junior
Height : 159 cm
Blood Type : B
Birthday : October 28
Hand : right
Signature Techniques : not revealed
About Him:
Uchimura is also known as the front killer, since he targets the net player (in doubles) and tries to break up the pair. Other than that...hmm...nice cap? XD
Seiyuu : Kondo Takayuki
Seiyuu's Other Works : Oishi Syuichiroh (
Prince of Tennis) ^^;;
Year : junior
Height : 164 cm
Blood Type : A
Birthday : April 18
Hand : right
Signature Techniques : not revealed
About Him:
Because their match was not detailed, there isn't much to say about this guy -_-;
Seiyuu : Kimura Akiko
Seiyuu's Other Works :
Year : junior
About Her:
Ann is Fudomine's Tachibana Kippei's sister. She's biased towards Seigaku and tends to help (or bug) them a lot. She does act weirdly though, and seems to have feelings towards Momoshiro even if Kamio (Fudomine) likes her xD.